Sunday, July 4, 2010

General Knowledge 12

1. What is special about the glue on Israeli postage stamp?
A- it’s non-fattening, B- it tastes of oranges, or C- it’s guaranteed kosher
(C- it’s guaranteed kosher)
2. What Summer Olympic sport would come first on an alphabetical list?
3. Which famous movie was known in Mexico as the Rebel Novice Nun?
(Sound Of Music)
4. What swimming stroke uses the dolphin leg kick?
5. What Looney Tunes cartoon character has the middle name Ethelbert?
(Wile E. Cotyote)
6. In the five Rugby Union World Cups to-date which is the only country to be in
the top four every time?
(New Zealand)
7. Whose whisky distillery in Lynchberg, Tennessee has been declared a US
national historic place?
(Jack Daniels)
8. According to folklore, what does the sandman help children to do?
9. What does the Koran name as the forbidden fruit?
A- banana, B- apple, or C-peach
(A- banana)
10. Where will you find a Unique Resource Locator?
(Internet or Worldwide Web - URL is a website address)

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