Saturday, July 3, 2010

General Knowledge 2

1. Who is Garfield’s owner?
[John Arbuckle]
2. What vitamin do Bananas contain in high qunatities?
3. How many leaves on a Shamrock?
4. What is the famous body of work that followed the research of a scientist on
the Galapagos Islands?
[ Charles Darwin’s The origin of the Species]
5. Correctly spell Uzbekistan?
6. According to Maori legend, which mountain is Taranaki’s brother?
7. What is Roget’s word book known as?
8. How many times has Lance Armstrong won the Tour de France?
9. What German physicist invented the Alcohol thermometer and the Mercury
10. Name the two space shuttles that never made it back to earth?
[Challenger and Columbia]

Geography 2

1) What is the largest island off the coast of the North Island of New Zealand (not the South
Island)? [Great Barrier Island]
2) What country does the Gulf of Carpentaria take a big bite out of?
3) Through which Ocean does the international dateline pass?
4) Tasmania was previously known by what name?
[Van Deimens Land]
5) What fraction of the earths dry land is Africa?
a) 1/8
b) 1/5
c) 1/3
[b) 1/5]
6) TRUE/FALSE? Able Tasman discovered the South Island of NZ first?
7) What three colours make up the Cuban national flag?
[Red (accept Crimson) white and blue]
8) What is the state capital of Ohio?
[B) Columbus]
9) What is the former name of the democratic republic of Congo
10)What is the Capital of North Korea?

Human Body 1

1. Which cells in the eye allow us to see colours: rods or cones?
2. Are amino acids the building blocks of proteins or vitamins?
3. What is the traditional Chinese medical technique in which metal needles
are inserted into the skin?
4. In medical terms, what do the letters HRT stand for?
[Hormone Replacement Therapy]
5. In mammals, what attaches muscles to bones?
6. What name is given to the study and treatment of cancer?
7. Yellowing of the skin or whites of the eyes are symptoms of what? Clue:
begins with J???
8. Which part of the body does the disease Trachoma affect?
9. What is the name given to the human tailbone?
10. How many teeth should an adult human have?

Fashion 1

1. What year did fragrance Chanel No.5 debut?
a) 1923 b)1941 c) 1959
[a) 1923]
2. What clothing manufacturer makes the Wallabies uniforms?
3.In what decade was the first artificial fibre – rayon- invented?
4. What city in New Zealand are these fashion labels from: Nom D, Nicholas
Blanchet, and Dot Com?
5.With what type of clothing do you associate Andrea Biani?
6.What does FCUK stand for?
[French Connection United Kingdom]
7. Who designed a dress held together by safety pins and worn by Elizabeth
Hurley in 1994?
8. Which of the following actors/models have NOT had a modeling contract
with Calvin Klein?
a) Marky Mark b) Brook Shields c) Cindy Crawford
[c) Cindy Crawford]
9. What does DKNY stand for?
[Donna Karan New York]
10. Jandals were named after the inventor famously combined which two
[Japan/Japanese and Sandals]

Geography 1

1. In which south American country would you find the famous “Angel
2. What kind of plantations are found on the Blue Mountains of Jamaica?
3. In Which Country is Nova Scotia?
4. In which Ocean would you find the Mauritius Islands?
5. In which country would you find “Cape Horn”?
6. Argentina was a colony of which country until it became independent in
7. Kansas City is in two state in America. Kansas is one, the other
Beginning with the letter M, is what?
8. With which country would you associate the former communist leader
Nicolae Ceaucescu (CHOW-CHES-CUE)?
9. In Denmark, is the head of state a Monarch, a president or a prime
10. Which is further north? Onetangi, Devenport or Te Atatu North?

General Knowledge 1

1. What is the literal meaning of the cinematic term “Film Noir”
[Black Film]
2. In Shakepeare’s play, who does Othello jealously kill when he sees Cassio
in possession of her handkerchief?
3. What character does David Hyde-Pierce famously portray in TV’s Frasier?
[Niles Crane]
4. Deciduous trees grow what in spring?
5. Is a barnacle considered a Mollusc or a Crustacean?
6. What is the name of the Ring Announcer who uses the catch
phrase “Ladies & Gentlemen, Lets get ready to Rumble”?
7. Name of the artist and the name of the song from this Lyric “Shot through
the heart and you’re to blame”?
[Bon Jovi, You give love a bad name]
8. Who was the last team other than Manchester United on Arsenal to win
the English Premier League?
a. Blackburn
b. Leeds
c. Oldham
[a.Blackburn, 1995]
9. What is the name given to a building containing a cycle-racing track?
10. What was the nationality of the revolutionary Che Guevara?