Tuesday, July 6, 2010


Identify the word or term that fits all thE definitions given. Example: a
Canadian music award, a Roman goddess, and Roger Ebert’s best film
of 2007: Juno
1) a British railway station, an ABBA song, and a Belgian municipality
2) a Mariah Carey song, a Jessica Alba movie, and an agricultural
3) a city in Illinois, a Marvel comics superhero, and a Disney princess
4) a Biblical queen AND a Bette Davis movie,
5) an ice shelf, and a Friend
6) an educational philosophy, a salad, and a Muppet
7) a supporting character in Peanuts, an Israeli anti-tank missile, and
volleyball lingo
8) a principle of good design, a candy, and an Andy Warhol film
9) an Angstrom, one of Winnie the Pooh’s friends, and a sex toy
10) a book by Lemony Snicket, AND a song by the Doors
1) Waterloo
2) Honey
3) Aurora
4) Jezebel
5) Ross
6) Waldorf
7) Spike
8) Kiss
9) Rabbit
10) The End

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