Sunday, July 4, 2010

Science and Nature 1

1) How many feet in a metre? To 1 decimal place, +/- 0.1
1) Over which organs of the body do the adrenal glands lie?
2) What is the chemical element found in all Proteins?
3) What is the worlds largest quadreped?
4) In which season do Emperor Penguin chicks hatch?
5) What event occurs when the moon passes between the sun and the earth?
[Solar Eclipse]
6) How many litres in a cubic metre?
7) True or False? Unununium is an Element?
[True: number 111]
8) Who is the French mathematician and physicist that lent his name to units
of pressure?
9) How many stars can normally be seen during the day time by the naked
[1 – The sun]

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